Wednesday, June 26, 2019

June 2019 Parking Commitee Meeting

June 12, 2019

Meeting started 6:02pm

Dr. George Westbay, Dom Famularo, Bruce Passarelli, Marianne Ketchum, Kathianne Snaden, Arthur Epp(Kevin Wood at IPMI)

Shuttle is now operating as the Jitney, 300 plus rides, LIRR South parking lot is a great option for event based volume

Mention of 2nd level on Gap Parking lot - Mr Wood will be calling in consultants for solid ideas and drawings. With the building of the Barnum parking lot - the village has exhausted all other possibilities for further expansion - the Port Jefferson urban renewal plan called for looking at multi level space only after all other alternatives have been exhausted.

Discussed possible placing cameras at PJCC  parking lots- no incidents at lot

Parking app has a 8% plus adoption rate - we have quintupled the rate since Mr Wood started to focus on promoting it's new use.

Discussion about FREE EV chargers, signage and how code restrictions might apply

Kevin Wood was at IPMI conference, the largest parking and mobility conference in the world - we are sure he will share what he learned there.

Barnum lot - D & B Engineers, surveys done - $600k plus estimate included prevailing wage.  Bond is paid off and we will let public know.

There are 2 trees over the parking spaces behind Tiger Lily maybe should be removed due to dropping fruit and bird droppings on vehicles.

Parking issues are now the "in thing" to discuss in villages.  Many surrounding communities have started their own parking committees.

Discussion about "lollipop" meters on Main St.  You can program them any way you want including first 15 minutes free for those who want to just run in a store and pick something up.

Meeting adjourned at 6:46pm


  1. What bond is reffered to when the minutes state Barnum Ave? The original Bond for $525,000 was for 330 Barnum Ave. Not the corner of Barnum and Caroline. Was another Bond utilized for the Caroline Ave lot? Please be specific, these minutes are a legal document and should be updated to specify where monies are comming from.

  2. Furthemore please direct us to the statement regarding multi level parking. We are unable to find it in the VHB October 2016 Urban Renewal plan.Thank you.

  3. Correcting , (Not in 2016 Urban renewal) Please refer to the 2030 comprehensive master plan for that statement. para 11.2.7

  4. My first question was regarding your June 12, 2019 meeting minutes where you did not specify which Bond you and whic Barnum lot you refered to. Please respond so the record is correct. My question was prior to
    the committees mandatory show up or don't ask questions rule. We deserve an answer in the corrected minutes. Thanks
