Thursday, November 30, 2017

Parking Commitee Meeting - Dec 2017


Kevin Wood, Dom Famularo, Bruce Passarelli, Marianne Ketcham, Larry LaPointe

2018 Meetings will be the 2nd WED of every month in 2018
6pm - 8pm
Village Hall

1. Barnum lot update
Kevin and Larry met with both Neil Thompson - (Village Planner)
and D & B Engineers - both parties walked the property at Barnum.
We reviewed foot print and many ideas including ligting and "green" surface with Mill Creek in mind, as well as  entry  and exit points for the new lot which is expected to be metered albeit at possibly lower rates.

The goal is to put out to bid by April 2018


2. Kevin discussed possible upgrade of selected challenging meters, with a new more reliable model(same manufacturer) that would include video information panels.


3. Meters will close on Dec 4th and winter maintenance will be performed


4. We discussed the possibility of hearing from Michael Klein an experienced parking consultant - We decided he would be invited in person or on phone for our next meeting to hear what his proposal would entail.


5. A discussion on metering the street revealed that DOT would have to be involved in such approval if it was to be considered at all.


6. Kevin spoke about the new upgraded Merchant validation program with Mobile NOW(Our APP provider) - Kevin suggestedinviting merchants to a luncheon atthe Village Ceter in February before the start of the 2018 parking season - At that luncheon the program could be outlined, explained and demonstrated. The luncheon would also serve as good will to merchants from the parking department.


7. Texaco lot update(uptown) - going forward - construction to start as soon as asphalt suppliers are available 


8. The group took a walk for an infield visit of 5 meters - the group learned the positives, negatives and realities of a typical vistor to Port Jeff and their expereince with our meters.

Topics included sign placement, number of signs, heights meters , lack of lighting, unclear instructions, reliability of transaction on certain meters, parking lot conditions, markings and more.


9. A final email will be sent to all on the Parking Commitee group outlining this last meeting of  2017 after which meeting dates, outlines and notes will be at

We want to thank Dom Famularo for all his years taking notes(and kind knowledge and communication) for the parking commitee and meetings - he will be passing that "baton" to Kevin Wood - who will continue the notes and make them publicly available at a link off of the parking page at to ensure full transparency.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Parking Commitee Meeting - Nov 2017

Nov 1, 2017

Attending: Larry, Bruce, George and Dom

1. Larry update:
a. parking capital account, $589,487
b. fiscal year to date net revenue, $256,000
c. Total, $845,487
d. Texaco Ave lot, uptown: 

Total 56 spaces would be available, Lot to be metered, PJ Board will consider this proposal at next board meeting.

2. Kevin update

What was the top 5 used spaces - ?


What was average duration of all spaces?

3:00:14 (3hrs, 14secs)

Of the 6724 APP transactions - How many re-upped for more time?

There were a total of 121 

How many sessions were over 7 hours?


3. Dicken's will use Jitney again. We rec net parking funds to be used for festival costs.

4. Next parking meeting November 29, at VH 6 PM